Clinical Publications
High output enteroatmospheric fistula management using a novel chyme reinfusion

High output enteroatmospheric fistula management using a novel chyme reinfusion

Journal of Stomal Therapy Australia – Volume 43 Number 2 June 2023

Fiona Le, Professor Christophe Berney and Dr Phillip Yang

May 2023


Patients with high output enteroatmospheric fistulae (EAF) present a significant challenge to the healthcare system. EAF is a cause of intestinal failure which may necessitate long-term parenteral nutrition. Chyme reinfusion is an enteral nutrition intervention and a potential alternative to parenteral nutrition. A novel chyme reinfusion device developed by The Insides Company has demonstrated multiple potential benefits in the management of EAF. The aim of this case study is to describe the first use of The Insides System at a tertiary hospital in south west Sydney for a patient with high-output EAF.

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